Tuesday, August 24, 2010


" A WATCHED POT NEVER BOILS " Has anyone ever heard of that? yeah i know probably alot of you have and you know the more i go through life with kids and a husband i learn that even tho sometimes i dont want to admit it my mom and all the adults that i grew up with were not just telling me a bunch of B.S. lol
  now having that said damn sometimes on the last five mins that i am waiting for josh to call it seems like an eternity i wish he would just call already and say babe im on my way, start some coffee( yes coffe is a big part of this household, actually a major part) even tho i have already started it and it is usually done by the time he calls, but today its different he got his paperwork and book to read to apply for a job where he has been at for a year its a different part of the city tat will require him taking atest for it buit its like a ten dollar raise! so now im WAITING for him to come home cause this is the start of our life maybe looking up a little more! bye all i will keep you posted

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