Wednesday, October 6, 2010

my birthday blowed big ones

ok here it goes the true reason why i started a blog so i would have to get all emotional with people when things are just seeming shitty for me.
yesterday was my birthday i turned 28 along with my nieces 11th birthday which is cool except when the 11 yr old belongs to people who we now have a strained relationship due to i guess way different life styles now. it just sucks to see people who are your family treat there friends like they were the family and we were the outsiders the funny thing is we seen it through different people but it just seems different this time and i dont know why. my hubby crys more now then i have ever seen him cry he is at such a loss at why  people treat him like a piece of trash even his own family that he just dont know what to do anymore, he has never done anything to be concidered that in my opinion but my opinion isnt theres ya know? i mean they just dont have anything good to say about us most the time and yea its at me too but im more mad that its aimed at josh just because he doesnt have good work ethic at times so fing what niether did his or does some of his family but we dont constantly down grade them all the time ya i complain  but not just constantly being nasty.and most the time im like well it there life let them live it how they want cause its not affecting me but it is in ways.
  ok anyways we got off subject a little, im all for having birthdays centered aound the kids cause in reality that is who it for but it just makes you feel like crap when its your own family who doesnt even hardly remember that it my birthday too, my own aunt who has been that for 28 yrs now keeps forgetting and then announced it in front of everyone that she forgot, what a great feeling well now things will defenatly be different cause im starting to relise we have to be out for our selves as much as possible instead of constantly getting my feeling hurt cause family shouldnt be that way especially when it is your own brother or sister or something like that.

well since i cried through most of this im gunna get off of here for now i have a headache but ill probably put more later and THATS MY LIFE OR SOMETHING LIKE IT...................................................................

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